March 26, 2024

Trump plans to shutter NOAA in Boulder, Colorado, apparently.

Trump has plans for NOAA apparently.

“And the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration should be dismantled because it constitutes “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.”

From the Thought School of “if we stop testing our case numbers will go down.”

It’s a major source of severe weather information, and a significant local science lab.

From: What I Learned When I Read 887 Pages of Plans for Trump’s Second Term: Republicans plan not just to end decarbonization efforts, but fire all the climate scientists too

Gift link from my sub to read the article here.

From that Reddit post: “If you want to stop this from happening, it’s going to take not just voting but actively volunteering and donating as well.” That said, you might love all this.

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