April 29, 2024

3 Easy Ways to make sure Elephant survives & thrives to 2025.

Three Easy Ways to make sure Elephant survives & thrives to 2025—and beyond.

Read: get (and open, and read, and share) our newsletter. It’s free and has our favorite picks of the day, every day. It often features my editor’s letter, too, and our award-winning, popular podcast and video series. elephantjournal.com/best

Subscribe: when you subscribe, you give this independent media and mindful community endeavor legs to run another year. elephantjournal.com/subscribe

Write: it’s easy to post on Elephant. Share your story, be of benefit, learn from your own experience. If even 10 or 20 or 50 writers become active, again, or wonderful new ones jump in, we could up our monthly payments to top writers as chosen by our readers and editors back to weekly payments: elephantjournal.com/post

Bonus: Learn. Grow. Challenge yourself. Invest in yourself. In community, or on your own: elephantjournal.com/academy

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,626,200