September 18, 2012

A Simple Way. ~ Emily Azad

I do not use big words.

I like them

but doubt their relevance.

Instead I ask simple questions

like why and how;

I seek simple answers like be here now.

I think simple thoughts,

tell simple stories,

set simple goals like love

not glory.

I understand things

in a simple way

and use simple words

to communicate:

I am the potter

and the clay

and I am also their dusty floor.

Simple me,

just a vessel.

Within me,

the whole world.

Emily Azad is grateful. She translates the silence and contributes her peace to the whole. Currently present with her lovebomb husband and son in Lexington, Kentucky. She is co-founder of Heal Now Massage Studio, a home for healing, and maintains Siddhi Yoga Facebook page as a platform for talking about union.








Photographer: Ave Azad, papa photographer, has an eye for understanding. He likes to think and laugh and love his family as they travel the world together.










Editor: Nikki Di Virgilio

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