May 31, 2024

Crispy Miso Tofu with Pink Oyster Shrooms & Noodles. {Recipe}

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I was in the mood for tofu, but crispy style.

I usually use milled flaxseeds, but I felt the desire to go back to my first time and used corn starch. I also needed mushrooms and James had pink oyster and it was a win.

Then I went wild pulling ingredients from the fridge, cabinets, and my five spice tins. Warning: the amount of stuff I loaded in is overwhelming, so please use what appeals to your current state of your taste buds.

The key to a healthy gut and microbiome is diversity. Eating the same old same old stuff is easy, boring, and unhealthy. Strive to add at least one new vegetable, fruit, grain, noodles, and spices per week. Aim for a total of 40 to 50 different foods. It will wake up your taste buds, make dining more pleasurable, and heal your gut, skin, and brain microbiomes.


Clean hands and countertops, good attitude. Pot with lid if cooking your noodles. Skillet, no lid, potholder, two towels, chef’s knife, cutting board. Patience, cooking and eating utensils, bowls, or plates. Strainer if cooking the noodles.


>> Tofu: I had Hodo’s Miso Extra Firm.

>> Veggies: broccolini, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, yellow squash, capers.

>> Noodles: any type. I used soba from an Annie Chun’s meal.

>> Oil: any type. I used plain and toasted sesame.

>> Spice: ginger, turmeric, sesame seeds, mineral salt, black pepper.

>> Optional: miso sauce, lime, miso paste, sweet and sour sauce. I used Ty Long for the last two; cornstarch is making it crispy.


I trust you are ready to begin. If cooking noodles, start the water to boil in a covered pot. Place your spices in a small bowl or dish and start chopping the veggies. Cut and pat dry the tofu and put corn starch on a plate and put the tofu in it, turn it over; hold off cutting into cubes until it goes into the skillet.

Add pasta to boiling water and place the lid onto a rack or in the sink. Clean up your space as you go. Check and strain the pasta and set it aside. Add oil to the skillet and when it heats up, add the spices and cook around two minutes. Stir it occasionally to release the aromas.

Add the veggies and keep stirring off and on. Add the noodles and cook about three minutes. Time depends on size. Turn off the burner and leave the pan on it for up to five minutes and then move it to the towel and add miso sauce, paste, sweet and sour sauce, and lime.

Find a calming spot to take your plated delight. Remember to give gratitude and enjoy your meal. Smile.

As usual, no critters were harmed, so one more small win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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