September 16, 2024

A Letter from Your Future Soulmate.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


My Dearest Hopeless Romantic:

I know you’ve been through hell and back. Believe me, I know. I’ve been there too.

I lie in bed every night dreaming of you. Dreaming of our life together. Desperately waiting for the day I can walk into your life. When you least expect it.

Some nights feel almost unbearable. But knowing that one day I’ll have the chance to finally hold you, kiss you, and make you mine keeps me holding on.

It may not feel like it right now, but I promise you, I’m coming. I just need you to hold on a little bit longer.

I often question why we had to wait so long. It didn’t feel fair or even right. Others were able to find their soulmate and yet we were forced to wait.

But the timing wasn’t right. We both had to learn and grow from past experiences in order to shape us into who we need to be. So that when our paths do cross, there will be no questions, no guessing, and no mistakes. We will be ready. I’m here patiently waiting for that day. I promise you. Just hold on. Hold on for a little bit longer. It will be worth it.

Every time you look up at the moon, I am looking to the same night skies thinking of you.

Every time you make a wish on a shooting star, I am wishing for you on that same star.

Every time you watch the sunrise, I am watching that same sunrise waiting for the day we can watch it together.

When things feel impossible, remember all those lonely nights were actually a gift. It was to give us the opportunity to figure out who we are and what we want in this world before we can be together.

All those empty relationships were actually establishing our boundaries and creating a list of needs we want from a partner so we could weed out the wrong ones to find the right one.

When we meet, I can’t guarantee it will be fireworks or lightning bolts. But I promise you, it won’t be head games or drama. I won’t string you along or hurt you in any way.

It will be rainbows and butterflies.

I will love you with everything I have and cherish your beautiful heart.

I will respect and support you in all that you are or will be in the future.

I will be faithful and trustworthy, never causing any doubt or uncertainty in your eyes or heart.

I will be a helpful partner, never leaving it all up to you. I’ll be there by your side on the good days and even closer on the bad days.

I will hold your hand and listen when you need to vent about a hard day. You should never be afraid to open up to me. Talk to me. Tell me everything. I will always listen.

I will hold you close when you’re sad. You will have a million sad moments in your life, but I can make those moments feel less alone with my arms wrapped around you.

I will encourage and push you to be the best version of yourself. You might doubt yourself or your abilities along the way, but I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and praise you every day.

And I will accept you for all that you are and stand by your side when you continue to grow. No matter where life takes you, I will support you through it all.

But I’ll warn you, it won’t always be easy. We will fight. But I will always make it right.

There will be times when you will want to walk away and take a moment to yourself. I promise to give you all the time that you need so you won’t be gone for long.

We will experience life’s bumps and waves even the scariest of roller coasters, but I’ll be next you every step of the way.

I’m not asking you to wait for me. Live your best life. Do everything this place has to offer you. Experience all the amazing opportunities in this life. Be all that you can be; don’t ever hold back.

I’m not asking you to look for me. See everything there is to see in this beautiful world. From the bluest oceans to the top of the highest mountain. And even all the small little things that often get missed. There is beauty in everything. Don’t miss any of it. Our paths will cross.

But I need you to believe in me. Believe in us. I know you can’t see me or hear me or even feel me, but trust that we are meant to be. Trust that I’m out there in the future just waiting for the moment to finally be yours.

And most importantly, don’t you ever give up hope. As long as hope lives within your heart, the possibilities are endless.

There is magic in hope.

I’m coming.

Your Future Soulmate



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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 201,185

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Kate Andreeshcheva/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson