October 17, 2012

The Pope’s First Tweet.

Photo: yellowpaperose

“Immortality: A toy which people cry for, And on their knees apply for, Dispute, contend and lie for, And if allowed Would be right proud Eternally to die for.”  ~ Ambrose Bierce, short story writer

“Self love is the elixir of an immortal heart.”  ~ Amy Mercree, spiritual coach

“When God plans to bless a person, He takes this poor time-cursed creature into His hand and says, I breath into you eternity and immortality.”  ~ AW Tozer, American pastor

This is #40 of 108 Ways to Livin the Moment. Let’s take back our lives one beautiful, funny and delicious moment at a time.

#40 of 108:  Stop Tweeting for a Day

Just imagine you are living in the 1880s.

Everyone is doing “it.”

Thomas Edison, Queen Victoria, Pope Leo XIII.

A young physician named Freud based in Vienna is claiming “it” is going to change the world.

“It” is included in heavy doses in Vin Mariani, a popular Bordeaux wine developed by a French chemist.

And when alcohol was banned, a shrewd businessman and Civil War Veteran named John Pemberton created a replacement drink with “it” that is still in existence today. In fact 25.5 billion cases of this product were sold in 2010.

What is it?


As you might imagine, it wasn’t long before Freud had an irregular heartbeat and severe nasal blockages.

And soon enough, Coca-Cola eliminated the ingredient.

But for a while there, cocaine was the answer, which brings me to the question…

What is going on in our world now that will cause future generations to look back with laughter as you did upon reading of this odd moment in Papal history?

It’s hard not to get caught in the peculiar habits and styles of the day.

“Everyone is doing it” is enough to suck in 99 percent of the population.

But a rare few are living their life with one eye on immortality, and have the wherewithal to see the habits and trends that are completely unsustainable and utterly ridiculous.

Hint: the Pope just sent his first tweet last year.

I do it, you do it, but…

…200 years from now, what will they say?


Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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