November 9, 2012

The Soul Calls. {Poem} ~ Jyoti Wind

Photo credit: Katarina Silva

The soul calls…

and you pack your bag

of unfulfilled dreams

for the next time.

Like the bittersweet strains

of the Pachelbel Canon,

you glance back,

memories of love given

and received

wash over you.

You realize what

it’s all been for…

Your epitaph is written

on the hearts of those

who loved you.

Bidding farewell,

with faith and trust

as your companions,

you pass through the door

that beckons,

free at last.


Jyoti Wind is an astrologer and writer. She has self-published 6 books: poetry, meditation and prayers; a childhood memoir; and several anthologies. Her new book, The Creative Arc: An Anthology on Writing, will be available this month, Nov. 2012. A mother, grandmother and great grandmother, she lives in Boulder, CO. You can reach her at [email protected].


Editor: Jamie Morgan

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