November 26, 2012

Spiritual Lust. {Portlandia}

Meditation Crush. {Portlandia}

That girl is so hot (thinking, breath). Naked, tent, breas(thinking, breath) I wonder if I should ask her out after dinnnn(thinking, breath)…

We’ve all done it. We sit down to meditate and…lust away the hour, which goes by in the space of a minute.

Sitting down and pretending isn’t enough. Imagination and discursive out-of-the-present-moment longing happens (sometimes it’s just about lunch, sometimes we’re anxious or stressed, not dreamy), but we’ve got to come back from it and actually practice the meditation technique.

And when we do so, we get to a place of possibility, a state of mind supportive of what some call love: when reality exceeds our imagination.

Instead of, you know, the other way around:

Portlanida -Meditation Crush by IFC-Official

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