December 6, 2012

3 Deadly Mistakes Most Diabetics Make Every Day. ~ Peter Lind

Photo: momboleum

You may think this doesn’t apply to you, but listen: one out of three people in the United States will develop diabetes!

We have been brainwashed to think that getting diabetes is a natural, normal process of aging, and that after we get it, we can continue living the way we have always lived, just now with diabetes.

No! Diabetes is a self-inflicted health catastrophe that has been accepted in our society as an inevitable process. You can find a doctor who will be more than happy to give you a drug so you can continue your life, without ever talking to you about the causes of diabetes or what you can do to turn your health around.

Here are three important health concepts you must know if you want to avoid diabetes. If you have diabetes you have even more reason to learn and understand these points.

There are very real factors that can be making your Type Two Diabetes worse…

Potentially Deadly Mistake Number One: Thinking Your Pancreas Is the Only Organ Involved in Keeping Your Blood Sugar Normal

Your major organs involved in blood sugar control are: your liver, your pancreas, your adrenal glands and your thyroid gland.

Each of these organs takes specific actions in response to the presence or absence of sugar in your system. They each need to be tested and evaluated. If one of these organs is not functioning correctly, it can make your blood sugar go up or down. If any one of these organs or glands is ignored, you’re just going to continue to get worse.

A simple fasting blood sugar test just measures your sugar levels. Measuring your triglycerides and other fatty acid markers is also absolutely necessary to determine the presence of insulin resistance. Glycolated hemoglobin is another blood chemistry marker that is very valuable in determining and managing any problems.

A salivary hormone test that checks your body’s cortisol rhythm is valuable in determining adrenal function. Cortisol increases blood sugar production in your liver. Cortisol is also a major stress hormone. If you are under constant stress, you will have high blood sugar and high cortisol levels. Your stress may be contributing to your diabetes.

The point is that you must know how all of these systems of your body are functioning.

Potentially Deadly Mistake Number Two: Not Understanding That Inflammation in Your Body Makes Type Two Diabetes Worse

Inflammation causes you to make more cortisol. High cortisol levels will make you insulin resistant. Now, the question that must be answered if you’re going to feel better is…

Where is the inflammation coming from?

The two most common causes of inflammation are food sensitivities and hidden infections in your stomach and intestines. Food sensitivities develop when your immune system decides that something you are eating is an invader. Many people have bacterial overgrowths, yeast overgrowths and parasites in their stomach and intestines—but don’t notice any GI symptoms. This is why you can walk around with these things living in you for years.

Food sensitivities and GI infections cause your immune system to flare up. Inflammation increases, cortisol increases and insulin resistance develops. This leads to fatigue, lack of energy, weight gain, low libido, high blood pressure…the whole ball of wax.

Potentially Deadly Mistake Number Three: Thinking Type Two Diabetes Is Genetic

Now, obviously, you could have been born with a predisposition for developing diabetes. But, your environment—what you do to yourself, and what happens to you—is what really determines whether or not you develop Type Two Diabetes.

Most important is finding the causes for high blood sugar, insulin resistance and Type Two Diabetes. Treating the wrong thing is a waste of time and money.

You must find out what your body is doing and the ways in which it is dysfunctional. Only then can you develop a logical, systemic plan to improve your health, not just lower your blood sugar.


Dr. Peter Lind practices metabolic and neurologic chiropractic in his wellness clinic in Salem, Oregon, USA. He is the author of three books on health, one novel and hundreds of wellness articles. His clinical specialty is in treating physical, nutritional and emotional stress. For more health tips from Dr. Lind, go to http://www.wellnessbite.com.



Editor: Jayleigh Lewis

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