December 19, 2012

elephant Has a Crush on Chris Grosso.

{Part of what I enjoy most about writing and working for elephant journal is that we really are a community! I’ve gotten to know many of our writers and volunteers—on and off-line—and enjoy our little elephant family. If you are enjoying this new series, and want to find out more about one of our writers, email me your suggestions: [email protected] ~ KB}

When I started bugging Chris to write for elephant, I had no idea that he’d be so prolific, become such a good friend or meet the love of his life through elephant journal! I asked him a few questions on the kind of randomness we usually discuss…here are the results:

1. Which tattoo is your favorite?

Yeah, I get this question and “How many tattoos do you have?” a lot and never really know how to answer either of them. I’m covered in tattoos and have been getting them for the past 16 years. I definitely like some more than others, but can’t really name a favorite. They’re all integral in a weird way, like, they almost tell a story of where I’ve been in my life. I know that sounds douchey and cliché, but it’s true. Some of the ones I appreciate a little more than others are the “loving-kindness” tattoos on my hands, the word “bookworm” across my knuckles, my Boba Fett/Mother Mary homage and my Loyd Dobler/Buddha tribute. Yeah, I’m a fucking weirdo.

2. What superpower would you want to have?

I’d have to say the ability to fly. I’ve had a few lucid dreams and every time I eventually end up flying. I also inevitably end up crying because I’m so overwhelmed with joy that 1) I’m flying and 2) I’m aware I’m having a lucid dream. I feel very strongly connected to God during those times and I think that’s what really opens up the teary flood gates, feeling that love in a completely unfiltered way. It’s really quite beautiful.

It’d also be cool to have arms that stretched an indefinite length so I could Wet Willie the shit out of people without them knowing who did it!

3. If you could pick one book to give to everyone you know, what would you pick?

Man, I don’t know. The first book that comes to mind is Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism as it’s the definitive book on dropping all the bullshit regarding spirituality, well, in my opinion at least. The thing is though, so many people I know could give two shits about spirituality and that book would do pretty much nothing for them. So that being said, fuck it, I’d give everyone I know something like Hell’s Angels by Hunter S. Thompson or Post Office or Love Is a Dog from Hell by Charles Bukowski. Something that would shake them up a bit, but then again, I know some pretty weird people, so maybe they wouldn’t.

4. Favorite Christmas Carol?

I don’t know if you’d call it a carol but I’ve always loved Run-D.M.C.’s “Christmas in Hollis.” I remember being a kid and my Mom would wake my brother and I up for school each morning with that jam around Christmas. I obviously have a cool mom, well, that may be up for a little debate as we call her “By The Book Brenda” but she’s good people. I also really dig “Christmas Canon” by Trans Siberian Orchestra. I’m a total fucking sap for that one. It’s really simple and beautiful and makes me a total emo mushball inside. Silent Night is also eerily touching to me. It’s beautiful but it also reminds me of the cult horror film Silent Night, Deadly Night. Have you ever seen that shit? It’s awesome!


5. What brought you to elephant journal?

The money, power and fame of course, and while I’m still waiting for all three to come to fruition, I did meet my amazing soon to be wife thanks to your website, so I suppose that’s something. Thanks ej.



Ed: Kate B.


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