December 21, 2012

Step onto Your Mat & into Your Life. ~ Nichole Gould

Photo:Nichole Gould

 Just Breathe.

If you feel discomfort arise,

As you may when you are practicing a twisting pose,

Return to your breath.

If you feel anger bubble up,

As you may when  you are holding a pose longer than you wish,

Return to your breath.

If you feel fear,

As you may in some balancing poses,

Return to your breath.

If you feel vulnerable,

As you may in heart opening poses,

Return to your breath.

If you feel sadness,

As you may in hip opening poses,

Return to your breath.

If you feel confusion,

As you may in meditation,

Return to your breath.

When you feel challenged,

As you may with binding poses,

Return to your breath.

Just as yoga requires focus, balance, strength, flexibility, patience, commitment, clarity, integrity, intuition…so does your life.

When in doubt always,

always return to the breath.


Photo:Nichole Gould




Nichole Gould is the founder of Barefoot Warrior Yoga in The White Mountains of New Hampshire. As a Student of life, yogini, yoga teacher, landscape gardener, single mother, organic pizza waitress and lover of all board sports, she considers herself a jack of much and a master of none. She can also be found dabbling with guitar playing, singing off key, reading from her many stacks of books or writing poetry. Feel feel to peruse her Facebook page or contact her via her website for more insight into her ever curious mind.



Ed: Kate B.

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