January 29, 2013

Mesmerizing Video: Yoga at 12X Speed. ~ Jake Laub

What does the slow, articulate flow of yoga look like at 12X speed?

I compressed this hour-long class into five minutes to find out. It’s mesmerizing.

Here are a few things that jumped out at me:

1. Her body moves like a wave. We talk about this a lot in yoga, but you see it clearly here.

2. Her breathing is so much more noticeable at high speed—everything from the pumping of the belly to the slight expansion of the shoulder girdle with each breath.

3. When she holds a pose for more than a few breaths everything just seems to stop and return to normal for a moment…before moving furiously on.

What do you see?

Here’s the original class at normal speed: Creative Flow with Aarona Pichinson.


Jake Laub is the founder of Inflextion Publishing (www.inflextion.com), a company that develops interactive books for active readers. His mission: help inspiring teachers create engaging content that enables readers to improve their bodies and minds.



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Eds.: Jayleigh Lewis/Kate Bartolotta

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