By walking down the street in almost any city it would soon become apparent—a lot of strife, anguish and sorrow exists in our world.
Enough to make an onlooker miserable.
If we are intrinsically connected, then how can one be happy with all this misery ingrained in the fabric of humanity?
I have a friend who lives in a perpetual state of mild depression because he feels so affected by the misfortune in the lives of others and powerless to help them. He often feels guilt when he is enjoying the pleasures of his own life because of the awareness that many people will never have the same opportunities.
Some would call him a bleeding heart and honor his compassion.
I call him an idiot.
If his true intention is to alleviate the suffering of others, then he is approaching the problem counterproductively, dwelling upon misery only breeds more misery.
“The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.”
~ Confucius
Yes, we are intrinsically connected, but every man must walk his own path.
You can best serve another by honoring their path, however backward it may seem. Relinquish responsibility for that person’s growth back to their soul. It is the job of the soul, spirit, god-self, or whatever you want to call it, to guide a person along their journey. It is not your job to save your sister, mother, son, friend, or enemy. Do not detract from their path by trying to walk it for them, for it is their own, and they only must walk it.
Instead, offer them your belief in their success. Know that they are loved, cared for and guided every step of the way, and no matter where they wander, it is essential for them to do so.
Yes, there is adversity and hardship. Yes, there is sadness and grief. But you are too bright to fall subject to the traps of guilt and despair as a mechanism for dealing with difficulty.
Don’t carry the weight of the world. Shine bright so that others may see.
Kaley is a thinker, teacher, writer, learner, artist, explorer, and yoga freak. She wanders through life twirling and leaping, sometimes stumbling and all the time singing. She resides in Austin, TX, where she spends most of her time teaching young children, who consistently provide her with opportunities for wonder. Connect with her at
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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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