August 12, 2013

Best of Yoga Philosophy: Weekly Recap.

(Public Domain Wikipedia Commons)

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Bob W. Editor


Seven Scientific Facts That Will Change the Way You View The World. ~ Tim Illencik ~ A classic article from the past ~ May 2, 2012.


Transparency Papers: introduction, and growing up Catholic (part one) ~ August 8, 2013 ~ Matthew Remski, one of my very favorite writers, talks about his ultra-traditional Roman Catholic upbringing and how it affects his Yoga philosophy. –Bob W.


Don’t Should Me ~ August 8, 2013 ~ Joslyn Hamilton ~ “Any time I run into an acquaintance I haven’t seen in a while, their very first question is: “So, you still doing yoga?” To which I say, “No,” and try to change the subject…”


His body is a golden string your body’s hanging from: Leonard Cohen and the disgraced guru ~ Matthew Remski ~ Aug. 10, 2013 ~ “So what is this attraction to monsters?”


A yogic illumination of imagination. ~ Thea Pueschel ~ Aug. 11, 2013 ~ “A deep azure with cumulus clouds where her upper abdomen once was… the beginning started to form. She knew. Knew something magical was going to happen…”


Why Hugs are Just as Important as Saving the World. ~ Jennifer S. White ~ Aug 11, 2013 ~ “You’re trying to grasp something that’s wispy, airy and non-tangible in your hands—and you feel it there. It has weight and it has merit, and then you try to convey this out into the world for everyone else to read and feel and taste…”

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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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