June 1, 2010

Have a spare 3 hours? Check out Whole Foods’ Flickr photo stream from the Boulder Creek Fest.

50,000 folks visit Boulder every year for our Creek Fest. It’s a lot of things: fun, tacky, crazy, community-ful.

This year, Whole Foods did a farmer-themed photo booth.

Cute kids, happy families, smooching college kids, a dog…they’re all here, all by our longtime photographer and buddy Timmy D’Antonio:

I’ll just give you the highlights:


My buddy Duzer (who runs the Bolder Boulder, same weekend, in about three minutes flat, and interviews and videos everyone and is featured on the Jumbo-Tron in front of 50,000 other folks in our Folsom Field, where the race ends, and who emceed the Duck Race for charity)…stopped by and messed about.

Don’t ask about that one photo, I think he was trying to fight me while I pulled my overalls on. Can’t turn your back on that guy for a second.

Redford, my dog, wasn’t having any of it.

Okay, seriously, if you want to see the whole stream—which you will, if you happened to stop by Timmy’s booth: click here.

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