November 22, 2013

5 Fabulous Elephant Facts. {Incredible Videos}

“I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant’s faithful one-hundred percent!”

~ Dr. Seuss

Did you know that:

Elephants purr

Also known as rumbling, it’s how they talk to each other. They can sense vibrations in the ground, essentially ‘listening’ with their feet and trunks.


Elephants mourn

They have been known to dig graves, pause at gravesites, and even cry.

Elephants play

Elephants create

*Note: a reader recently pointed out that this video of elephants painting may be the result of heavy training and possible abuse. While this is not 100% verified, I decided to omit the video in the event that it is associated with non-compassionate action towards the animals. 

Elephants practice compassion


*Bonus (super cute): Baby elephant caught in a sneeze



Elephants play piano and dance

Supporting elephant rights through yoga

Help stop illegal poaching


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

{Photo: Bobisbob at Wikimedia Commons}

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