December 14, 2013

Santa Claus, Before & After {Video: Fox News makes Jon Stewart’s Head Explode at 5 minutes in}

“Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean it has to change.” Cognitive dissonance with your egg nog, friend?

Breaking news! Jesus? Not white! Santa? Turkish!

Wherein wassername gets really upset about Festivus. And wassername says it’s obvious Jewish Jesus was white, even though he was not.

It’s not Miracle on 134th Street!

The Slate article in question.

The original clip, wherein Megyn gets disagreed with.

Fox: “A historically verifiable fact”


The Daily Show
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Watch his head explode: Fox: “You can’t take facts and change them to fit some political agenda!?”

PS: most blogs reporting this segment say something like ‘Jon Stewart demolishes Megyn Kelly and Fox News.” We beg to differ. Life isn’t a war, or rather it doesn’t have to be. From the man himself:



Jon Stewart’s 3-second reaction to Malala Yousafzai words gave me chills & made me cry. {Video}

Jon Stewart on the GOP vs. Russia or Iran: “Maybe Obama’s not the Problem.”

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