December 15, 2013

8 Photos of New Yorkers Most People Don’t See.


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


Relephant bonus: 3 things I wish I knew earlier:

NYC: Homeless man sings Radiohead’s “Creep.”

There are many more photos and stories on Chris Arnade’s Flickr account, with stories. NSFW:

Thanks to Alan Tudyk’s twitter feed, here’s all the stories & pics. NSFW

This picture hit me the hardest.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/arnade/8076878212/in/set-72157627894114489/ This one too got me. The idea of a “kitten hustle” is strange to me… I can’t imagine being so poor as to hunt down stray kittens to take somewhere to sell.

(Source: imgur.com)


Why Yoga Can Be An Important Part of Addiction Recovery. ~ Alicia Lawrence

“This is why you don’t smoke crack!”

Nine Common Misconceptions About the Homeless.


Bonus: 2-minute meditation to help see those around you:

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