December 28, 2013

Top 13 Funniest Videos & the Single Most Inspiring Video of 2013.

Grab the tissues, because you’re about to laugh until you cry.

Okay, so what does a hilarious video have to do with living the mindful life?

In my not-so-humble opinion, a few things.

First, living life mindfully isn’t always easy. It takes effort and tenacity—and laughter helps us to lighten up when we need to.

Additionally, laughing makes me a nicer person, which makes me less of an asshole. Which is kind of related to the mindful life, right? 

Better still, smiling can make us happier—science has actually even picked up on this concept.

Charles Darwin first posed this idea in 1872, declaring that “the free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensi­fies it.” And research has actually shown Darwin’s theory to have merit.

(Read this Scientific American article, for example, on studies of botox recipients and other, which suggests that our emotions are reinforced—perhaps even driven—by their corresponding facial expressions.)

Let’s get right to the point, shall we?

The point is this: these are the top 13 funniest videos of 2013. (I chose 13, not because I’m clever enough to have thought “13” would be cool with “2013,” but because I couldn’t limit myself to only 10—even 13 were hard.)

So sit back and enjoy.

1. BatDad

2. Stop Looking at Your F***ing Phone Every 5 Seconds


3. Presenting the Gold iPhone 5s. 

4. Everything is Samuel L. Jackson’s Fault

5. “#Hashtag” with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake

 6. Introducing the iPhone 5c and 5s. (I’m noticing a trend here, no?)

7. I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy

8. Starbucks Drake Hands. Gremlins edition(The original was great—but this was better.) 

9. Ron Burgundy interviews Peyton Manning. (Yes, Ron Burgundy made several hilarious appearances this year—including an amesome real-life news anchoring—but this one…I have no words…just watch.) 


10. Sad Cat Diary. 

11. Sad Dog Diary. 

12. Animals on Trampolines.

13. Conan Visits The American Girl Store.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Oh, and the single, most inspiring video of 2013:

Ashton Kutcher Speech—Teen Choice Awards. 

You’re welcome. (And here’s to wishing us all an even funnier 2014.)


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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