August 3, 2010

Elizabeth Downey, Joshua Silberstein ft. in Sunday New York Times’ Weddings & Celebrations.

I was in the bath reading the Sunday NY Times the other day, when…

I was startled to see two of my longtime Buddhist sangha friends staring at my hot, wet, hairy self. Good god, I shouted! What’s going on? Get out of here!

Putting down my fifth of scotch, nearly empty, I was happy to see they were only two-dimensional. My friends Josh and Liz were happily staring out from the Weddings and Celebrations section.

*As Josh later noted to me, what’s perhaps most shocking is the revelation that I read the Weddings & Celebrations section, the “sport pages for women,” as Sex and the City called ’em.

Below please find (the web version at least) with all love and congratuations:

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