Love in Action
What love isn’t and what love is.
Love is not a greeting card,
or something secret that we save for special occasions.
Love is not a hobby.
Nor something that we practice on Sundays,
and then hide in a drawer for the rest of the week.
Love is not selective,
it is not interested in those minute details that set us apart.
Love is not a weapon.
It can never be used to harm, discriminate or oppress.
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Most of all, love is not limited,
we do not have to ration or pick and choose with whom or when we share our love.
When we choose love, it becomes the driving force behind every word, every action, every decision.
Love is liberating,
it can free us from the chains of envy, intolerance and hatred.
Love is infinite.
There is no beginning and no end to the love we can share with the world.
There is no other way to right this unbalanced world.
Love yourself first,
that means your light and your shadows.
Love the person you are,
and the person you can become.
Growth and change are sun and rain for the fragile seed of your being.
Love recklessly in the face of hatred and oppression—
those are born of fear, and fear crumbles like dry leaves underfoot in the presence of love.
Love when nobody is looking.
This is not a contest, there are no prizes, only balance.
Love the elements,
because each of us is born of air, fire, water and earth.
Discover those parts of yourself, let them guide you.
Love life and creation,
and not just the things we are taught
to be beautiful and sacred.
Love weeds, spiders, bats and storm clouds –
everything that makes up the web of life
on which we all depend.
We cannot live without each other.
Let your love see beyond rich and poor, black and white, left and right.
Love is not about doctrines or ideologies, it is simply the understanding that there is no alternative.
Love sounds, colors, tastes and textures.
Love the smell of wet earth at dawn, after a night of sensual rain.
Love silence, the absence of distractions and stillness, the birthplace of all action.
Love truth and justice unconditionally, and let them guide your every thought, word and action.
Do not love passively, there is no time to lose.
Every day the world is darkened by hatred, intolerance and mistrust.
Your love is light.
Be love in action.
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Editorial Assistant: Sarah Qureshi/Editor: Bryonie Wise
Photo: Thea Bee
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