April 1, 2014

Directing Your Dreams: Day One ~ Marylee Fairbanks

Dreams. Stars.

Day One of The 24 Things always starts with a Sankalpa.

Your home reflects your spirit and as we move forward, you will see more clearly the things that hold you back. Don’t be afraid to let them go. Making space in your home, strengthens your vision of the future.

Decide what you want to enhance or eliminate from your life.

Sankalpa is a simple but specific intention; a spiritual resolve. It is like a blank canvas. Your focus is on what you want to call into your life. After all, this is why we are doing The 24 Things Challenge; to make space in our life for the new.

I set a far-reaching Sankalpa in January. So, usually my April vision is a smaller one. I write it on a sticky note and put it on my computer desk top to remind myself to stay on track.

Focus on a positive result. Don’t give attention to what you don’t want or are lacking in. Word your Sankalpa with care, in the affirmative and present tense; I am rather than I want.

Sankalpa is not “I want to make new friends in my community.” It is “I have new friends in my community.” This slight adjustment makes a big difference; the word “want” signals lack. You attract what you think, so if the mind is focused on lack, you cannot receive.

Imagine your best life and be clear and remember that where your energy is directed, your future goes.

Pick one room, or closet, or book shelf or drawer. Just begin letting go.

It is best to put a box out in the garage so that you are not temped to go back and remove things. If by day 23 you are still regretting the thing you tossed on day three then by all means go back and get it. But, I am willing to bet you my box of stuff that you will feel so wonderful that you will not remember what you tossed.

Get tossing…get clear.

Share you thoughts here. If you have a blog that you are keeping please let me know. We can add you to the 24-ers!

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Flickr

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