April 2, 2014

An Act of Defiance: Day 2. ~ Marylee Fairbanks

flower snow crocus

Today, even though it is only in the 30s outside, I washed and put away all winter coats, hats, boots, gloves and scarves.

I don’t care if I freeze to death. I refuse to open the closet and look at them any more. I am done, I tell you! Done.

Now, some may see this as tempting fate, or eternal hope. But, I see it as an act of defiance. I think that if I prepare for beach weather, then it will get here faster.

I emptied out the coat closets and found that we have all these extra hats and gloves for “visitors.”  Honestly, I can only think of about four times we ever actually loaned them to these “visitors.” So I am going to give quite a bit away. My son has outgrown his gloves and is now conscious about his hat’s level of coolness so, it looks like my toss pile is born.

When we keep things “just in case,” we are signaling to the Universe that we do not have faith in our future. Usually, these “just in case” things end up lost in a pile somewhere and if it turns out that we do need them, we can’t find them!

We talked yesterday about the importance of wording our Sankalpa with care; using the positive present tense.

Holding on to things we don’t love or need is like saying “I am going to keep this because I know I will be broke one day and I won’t have the money when I need it.”  Our thoughts and words are powerful.

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

What did you toss today?

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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