April 13, 2014

Be Still My Warrior Heart. ~ Brandie Smith {Poem}

Kuvia Matkalta

From the depths of my being, I feel your life force.


Rhythmically, forcefully, gracefully.

Encompassing the whole of me, with the strength of you.

Holding my tears with the gentlest touch;

And, my pleasures with the hottest flames.

You speak the truth and ask me to have courage.

To listen.

To be brave.

To be myself.

Knowing that the child in me wants to abandon you;

Rip you out;

Fall victim to the voices in my head;

But you are steadfast, patient and fierce.

You beat faster.


Penetrating my darkest corners with your light.

Finding me.

Holding me.

Kissing the rivers of my flowing emotions.

In the silence, you pick me up;

Brush me off;

Hand me another sword.

It feels heavy, as it always does.

But I take it.

Trusting you.

Knowing you.

Loving you.

And, again you beat louder, faster, stronger.

Setting me free as I march on,

Wearing the armor of your warrior spirit.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Kuvia Matkalta

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