September 29, 2014

Encounter. {Poem}


A desirable dance

for a chance to be


a wandering whispering

freely devoured

moment of tender

and enlivened rush of blood,

warmed at a seductively timed temperature


Of all that is tastefully inappropriate

Of the incredible need

to be eaten with your hands and Your tongue

Your eyes

Your gaze

progressive temptation possesses

Pain of love


of flesh
to capture the soul

in a mouthful

of brilliant taste

rest forbidden

gathered count,

evolved and welcomed


flesh eating flesh


My mouth is the scent of you


A voice of one thousand Angels trailing a path

To the gate


A burning door,

A surprising motion

full of momentary gesture

Of the impregnable touch burning as it presses onto skin,

Heating of pulse

Throbbing madness

Of insanity assured

Of innocence barred

Full throttle and stamina endured

Engine is roaring,

the stations are marked



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Editor: Emma Ruffin

Photo: Nad Renrel/Flickr

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