October 21, 2010

Fixing a child’s cleft lip? Slavoj Zizek says: “Pointless.”

Slavoj Zizek vs. LOHAS + Green + Conscious Consumerism.

Zizek says: Charity? Weak. Kind slave owners? The worst. Fixing a child’s cleft lip? Pointless.

If Capitalism is fundamentally flawed, why offset a bit of the harm instead of getting at the root of the problem? I love when he takes on TOMS…read my loving criticism here or here or here…many others have since criticized…but for most part the video this “renowned philospher/Marxist” is way off base.

Why? The beast can be tamed. An organic apple really is better. There is such a thing as fundamental human goodness—and when engaged through our buying decisions, we really can serve the better interests of society and our planet.

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