December 9, 2014

Final Colbert Interview! President Obama hijacks! {Full HD videos}

President Obama Hijacks The Colbert Report ‘I, Stephen Colbert, Have Never Cared for Our President’

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Stephen Colbert asks questions we want to hear answered in front of thousands of GW students…and “Emperor Obama” talks about healthcare for < than $100.

Loved this. Seeing the human Obama—with a sense of humor about himself, a sense of seriousness about things that matter, and a powerful presence…reminds us that it’s the world’s hardest job, made harder by a hateful partisan climate determined to give him (and our votes) nothing and take away everything.

“He saved the economy from a depression, set us on the right road economically, ended /is ending two wars, created the largest expansion of a social welfare program in 50 years, helped change the course of gay rights for ever, will change the course of immigration, killed Bin Laden, was overwhelmingly reelected…” and now he’s found a way to reach young folks about Obamacare.

Lesson of the day: “I can get health insurance for less that $100?!”

Emperor Obama on final Colbert interview!

Exclusive – Presiden

Exclusive – President Barack Obama Extended Interview

t Barack Obama Extended Interview



On YouTube here:


And full version here:

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