February 8, 2015

30 Day Startup Video Blog, Day 14: Bike Crash.



My friday set to music… My 30 Day Startup Video Blog, Day 14: Bike Crash


*Please note, I was not on my phone or using a selfie stick when I crashed—those are two unrelated incidents.

If you’re just starting in on these video blogs, here is a quick recap: I’m doing a 30 day video blog series on elephant journal called Truth or Consequences: My 30 Day Startup Video Blog on my experience re-launching my business from the ground up.

Catch up on my previous entries here:

Day 1: Truth or Consequences: My 30 Day Startup Video Blog

Day 2: 3 Things that Inspired Me to Shake Up My Business

Day 3: Why Did I Agree to do 30 Days of Vlogs??

Day 4: A Summer Kind of Winter Day

Day 5: Snapchat, Sunshine, and Slander

Day 6: Life’s Short. Get Sh*t Done. High Five!

Day 7: The Friday That Got Sucked Away

Day 8: Climbing, Chili, and Community

Day 9: How to Make a Date Ball in Your Mouth and other Hilarious Advice from The Veggie RN

Day 10: Get in the Arena or Shut the F*ck Up – Just whose criticism should you actually take?

Day 11: Enhance Your Business with YouTube, Linking to External Sites

Day 12: A little dog, a little Noosa, & big meetings

Day 13: In Bed, Talking Business, Listening to Biggie


Jeanne Eisenhaure Climbing




How to Get Over our Intimidation of Biking around town.



Author: Jeanne Eisenhaure

Editor: Renée Picard

Photos: via the author

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