February 12, 2015

10 Things to Know About a Woman’s Touch.

woman naked

These words are for all of the partners, friends and lovers that women embrace.

This is not just for men—as women, we are still learning about ourselves.

What makes us unique? What makes us a mystery?

What does it take to love us?

Whether your lover is a man or a woman, he or she is still unwrapping the tender and the fierce parts of you. There is no simple explanation for what it means to be touched by a woman; by her heart, by her body, by her soul.

She just is. And that is enough.

A woman’s touch flows from her heart.

Check in with her before you lie naked. Her heart is a changeable river of emotions. You will swim or you will drown.

She will decide.

Just surrender.

A woman’s touch is sensitive.

Intuitive and alert, she will navigate your essence and respond to what she finds.

A woman’s touch is warm.

She will pour herself into you, because she is giving by nature. Sparks fly from her hands and her lips. Don’t underestimate her fire.

A woman’s touch is experienced.

Her hands hold all that is sacred. All that is medicine to your body and soul.

A woman’s touch is sensual.

She takes time to explore herself and wants to explore you. Slow down. Give her room to roam the landscape of your body. Let her touch you in places that you are afraid of.

A woman’s touch is Divine.

She is Goddess. But don’t put her on a pedestal, she is Human. She’s no object for your desire. She is the deep well that you will fall into and find respite in.

A woman’s touch is soft…

…unless you ask her to be rough, and then she might surprise you. Bring her feathers, bring her whips, let her choose what she needs.

A woman’s touch is pregnant…

…with all that she is and all that she creates from the ocean of her womb. Don’t be afraid. She will let you stir her magic cauldron if you respect her power.

A woman’s touch is reverent.

She will take what you give of yourself and store it lovingly within herself. You are safe. Allow her to show her most tender side.

A woman’s touch is thirst-quenching.

Drink her in. She will satisfy.



To Love a Woman.

How to Love a Soulful & Conscientious Woman. 

To The Women With Warm Hearts & Cold Hands.


Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Renee Picard

Image: Cristina Ivan at Flickr 


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