March 7, 2015

Cape Town Fire. {Poem}

Cape Town fire

Cape Town has been affected by serious fires since the early hours on Sunday March 1, 2015.

It has been emotional to see our beautiful mountains ablaze and inspiring to see how we have come together. During a natural disaster people do what they can to help.

The Fire

There is a fire on the mountain
burning through my soul
lighting up the sky
Destroying and taking its toll

The forest is ablaze
The hearts are fear-stricken
It’s been burning for days
Smoke altogether thickens

The flames are ferocious
but carry with them powerful hope
we have been put into motion
as one, who helps.

We have lost trees and plants,
animals and houses,
but we haven’t lost each other,
we’ve gained thousands.

The fire burns, hard and fast,
it takes with it years and years,
but now a new era starts,
one of growth and new life.

We mourn you sweet nature,
your beauty and purpose,
we celebrate you and look forward to your healing,
we will nurture you like you have done for us.

There is a fire on the mountain,
let it awaken the fire in your soul.
Let it burn and light the love in your heart,
learn from it and grow.

I believe in energy and the universe.

If you wish send your love and healing to Cape Town, to the people who are affected and mother nature, that now will start again from scratch.

Relephant read:

Why Natural Disasters Are Good for Us.

Author: Gente Coetzee

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr

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