Opened my eyes this morning.
Slid out of bed, creaking, cracking and sounding like a garage door opening. I make my way to the kitchen to stare at the coffee pot brewing.
I stand there, coaching it to drip faster and explaining why it’s an emergency to have coffee in my mouth. How can it take this long to brew? I don’t understand, it’s as if the universe is trying to teach me to be patient. I am an Aries, that’s never going to happen.
At last, there is enough to fill my mug. Glorious dark happiness in a cup.
My hands still have paint on them, which makes my thoughts swirl around about my next project, and I remember, that I have become an actual artist.
When I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, and brain lesions, I am certain that art saved my life.
I jumped into the painting pool of self expression like a cannonball. Some folks take pills, go to a psychiatrist or take a downward spiral.
I picked up a paintbrush. It’s not about being “good” at painting, it’s about clearing the darkness from the mind.
More coffee.
Art is what I do now, in every form, every day. Pick a color to match my mood and grab a brush.
Somehow, I have now become an instructor and love watching clients start out nervous and leave feeling proud with huge grins. “I made this!” Not only is there a sense of accomplishment, the energy in the room is positive and white.
Paint must have super powers, I am sure of it.
The moral of the story is:
1. Drink Coffee
2. Look around, eyes wide open, there is beauty everywhere if we take the time to “see” it.
3. If we are stuck in an unhappy moment, think about what color would match those feelings.
4. Don’t get frustrated by happy accidents.
5. Give painting a try—all that’s needed is a canvas, brush and some magic paint.
6. Do it, don’t think. Clear the mind and dip the brush.
7. If the canvas ends up being one color, call it abstract.
8. Don’t give up, we need to stick together, we humans.
Life is a windy roller coaster. Bad things happen, but so do good things. It’s how we handle it all that defines our character.
What is your color?
Relephant Reads:
One Way to Free Our Creativity.
Author: Leslie Gerhart
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