So, I’m perusing through my Facebook feed the other day and I see this post:
“Sometime soon, we may reach a point where half the women in America will be teaching yoga to the other half”
An interesting quip from a man I worked with at a California newspaper in the early 90’s. He’s a PR executive and not a yoga teacher. Hmmm, even non-yogis realize things are out of control.
I touched on this in late 2013 when I wrote an article that evoked much discussion in the yoga community. My honest reflection resonated with many, ticked off some, and got people thinking.
It’s been about two years since I traveled to 40 cities in the U.S. and Canada in the course of 15 months. I got a realistic pulse of the yoga landscape in America and hit classes in strip malls, YMCAs, intimate settings, large chain studios, gyms and pretty much every place in-between. When I returned home, I reassessed where I wanted to go with my studio, Breathe Joy Yoga. After witnessing the state of the yoga industry, I knew it was time for a change. So, I’ve returned to writing full-time and still teach two yoga classes a week. I’m also preparing to sell Pretzel Kids® business (serious seekers need apply!)
Here’s why: Yoga in America isn’t what it used to be and I’m not exactly thrilled with the new direction.
Here’s what I see happening. Take it for what you will. Today, I would guess 30-50% of yoga studios offer 200-hour yoga teacher trainings. It’s no surprise as these courses generate fast cash and help pack studio classes. Now, don’t get me wrong, studio owners deserve to earn a living, and hopping on the teacher training gravy train is a sure-fire way to ensure that they do so. There is nothing inherently wrong with this. But, here’s the problem: As long as students continue to drink the Kool-aid served at the closest yoga studio, teacher trainings will multiply like bunnies in a highly unregulated industry. Seems a little harsh, I know. But let’s peel off some more layers here.
It was only 11 years ago when I opened Breathe Joy Yoga. I offered a comprehensive teacher training course as much out of need as desire. There were simply no programs in my area. The market wasn’t saturated and skilled yoga teachers were in high demand.
Flash forward to today: If you throw a ball out a window in any major US city, it will hit one yoga teacher on the head and bounce onto another instructor’s asana. Taking classes and teaching yoga is the “in” thing, and many students wearing rose-colored glasses think that, if they become a yoga teacher, they too can open a successful studio (just find an empty corner, start a Facebook page, and viola!) or at least teach a few classes a week (good luck finding a studio without a two-page list of subs).
The plot thickens. Many still think they can quit their day jobs and make big bucks teaching yoga. Now, I know…some of you are thinking I sound cynical or this is just sour grapes. But, let me tell you right here and now: I sure as heck don’t have sour grapes. I love to practice and teach yoga. And, I enjoyed the challenge of turning a small, community-supported studio into a thriving business.
Here’s another thing: I love that yoga is now readily available. I just wish we were more responsible about this mushrooming growth. One of the pitfalls of working and practicing in an unregulated industry is that many businesses offer yoga classes and have no idea whether their own yoga instructors are skilled. A certificate from a crash course is sometimes all a health club needs to hire a teacher. It’s even become commonplace for prospective teachers to “audition” with a three-minute sampling.
And then there are master classes. What defines a master class? Well, nothing really. At least not anymore. Any newly-minted, recent 200-hour graduate can throw together a workshop and call it a master class. Scratch that. No 200-hour certificate is necessary as anyone can teach a master class. It certainly sounds impressive and many students take the bait, especially when they see this so-called expert on Instagram striking a perfect pose. Our industry has run amuck here. In my opinion, there are only a small handful of teachers who should be considered “masters” in any field. Yoga is no exception.
About now I’m probably pissing off some of you. But, put your egos aside for a moment. I’m saying it like it is. Satya for ya in its truest sense.
To that end, I’m going to tell you a story that may help illustrate where our industry is headed. I’m warning you: It’s a doozy.
I recently received a workshop pitch that initially sounded like a keeper. The teacher then sent me a description of the workshop for beginners, which would include backbends, arm balances and inversions. She then explained that the inversions would encompass variations of headstand, shoulder stand and maybe handstand. Further information indicated her method will help students reach happiness faster. Okay. Let’s stop right there. Reach happiness faster? By doing a headstand? Wow. Now you really got me going.
Call me crazy. Call me responsible. I don’t care. I had to put my foot down and question her proposal.
I realize there’s no one path to anything, but I am fairly certain that taking a workshop filled with inversions, enrolling in a 200-hour teacher training for a handful of weekends, or taking classes in a hyped-up studio with packed classes and hotshot teachers is not going to help you reach nirvana faster.
What to do? For starters, do your research.
If you practice yoga, inquire of yourself: Why am I choosing this teacher to guide me? If you’re considering enrolling in a teacher training, ask yourself: Why do I want to take this course with these teachers at this studio? If you’re a yoga teacher or studio owner, ask yourself: Why do I want to teach? Why do I want to run a 200-hour course? There are no right or wrong answers.
The point is: We should all be digging deep. Or, as we yogis say, it’s time to practice self-study, a.k.a. Svadhyaya.
I may be going out on a limb here but we are careening down a dangerous path. Literally. Yoga practitioners are blowing out hips and knees regularly. In fact, the April 2015 cover story of Lower Extremity Review (LER) points out “the perils of poses” and illuminates some pretty powerful research pointing out the dangers of large classes taught by inexperienced teachers.
I’m thinking Patanjali didn’t have this in mind. Take a look at the Yoga Sutras. Depending on your interpretation, only about five of the 196 sutras (II: 29 and II: 46-49) discuss anything to do with asana. Let’s sit on that for a while.
Author: Robyn Parets
Editor: Caroline Beaton
Photo: Flickr
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