June 5, 2015

We Made This. {Love Poem}

girl crying at window

We made this with blood,
sweat, guts and tears.
We made this with phone calls from
an ER at three in the morning.
We made this with snuggling on your couch,
with an itty, bitty, pretty,
kitty by your side.

We made this when it was raw.
When I cried and then you cried,
we made this.
We made this when transparency came with a cost,
we still continued.
We made this when ghosts of lovers followed us both
into the mix and the baggage
that was so hard to leave behind.

We made this when I was sick and tired
of being sick and tired,
you still listened.
We made this when my chronic pain froze my brain
and I could not even roll over in the bed.
We made this when random flirts caught us
by surprise.

We made this when you told me
you could not promise to love me forever.
But that you loved me more
and more each day.
We made this when there were angry words
and slammed with regrets of
both sides of those doors.

We made this with,
here a purr, there a purr,
everywhere a purr purr purr;
That happened when you rubbed my back.
We made this when you would stop to
just look at my face,
and a million thoughts crossed beneath your eyes,
that you wouldn’t tell me
but, I knew was something good.

We made this when you told me
how you were amazed
by how smart and mature I was.

We made this when we danced,
oh we danced,
how we danced with each other.

We made this when you showed up on my doorstop.
The day after that never-ending first date,
my heart went,
“Oh my. This one is a keeper. I am so lost.”
We made this when I was OK with being that lost.

We made this, this thing called love,
true love.
It isn’t pretty all the time,
but is real.

And because of this,
all these things we made together,
this is why I love you.



Traits of an Awakened Tantric Goddess. {Nudity}


Author: Aurora Di Giulio

Editors: Travis May

Photo: Pixabay

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