June 6, 2015

An Ode to Boobs. {Funny Music Video}



Humor is a great way to make a point.

I’ve been bra-free for a year now—and I love it. But sometimes, if I’m wearing a see-through top, I feel self-conscious. And sometimes I’ll put on a bra, if I feel I’ll be perceived as a bit “slutty” for going without.

More than how I’ll be perceived, I’m also protecting myself from the probability of being ogled by men who aren’t used to seeing nipples in a non-sexual context. With the culture of female nipples on display being considered “indecent exposure,” women are conditioned to feel shame and (some) men feel entitled to stare.

And it annoys me that I allow myself to sometimes give in to this social conditioning, even when I can recognize it clearly. It annoys me, but still I’m careful about the “message” the visibility of my nipples might be communicating.

So, when I came across this brand new music video, it brought a wide smile to my face.

‘Go Girl’ is a club in Northern Ireland for creative women to support and collaborate with one another. Recently, while hanging out with Bee Mick See—a musician born in Oregan, but raised in Belfast—they got to discussing the #FreeTheNipple campaign. They decided to collaborate together in support of the campaign—and they make their point in a highly entertaining manner.

Check it out—it’s lots of fun.




Free the Tatas: Why We Should Go Topless {Adult}


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Screenshot from Youtube video 

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