Write on Elephant, Change our World.

Our “Ecosystem” makes it easy to Get your message out to thousands—& get paid.

Unlike Instagram or Facebook, Elephant is independent, and mission-driven—and despite having (slightly) fewer resources, we believe in paying our writers to offer quality to our readers.

Elephant was one of the first major sites to pay our best, consistent writers. But it was always hard to measure “best.” Now, we are introducing weekly payments to the top 15 articles on Elephant based on their Ecosystem Score—95% determined by our readers’ actions: reads, hearts, comments, shares, and 5% determined by our Editor’s Picks (so that mission balances popularity).

Note: When folks earn identical scores, we use the number of reads as the tiebreaker.

February 26th – March 4th Winners

#1 Judith Orloff $200

13 Films that Empaths & Sensitive People will Love.

#2 Elizabeth Gordon $108

10 Feel-Good Questions to Ask Ourselves Every Morning.

#3 Kelly Branyik $108

Why I’m Not Arguing about Politics Anymore—& Neither Should You.

#4 Lorena Gregory $108

How to Apply the 5 Stages of Grief when our Love comes to an End.

#5 Nicole Baptista $75 Editor's Pick

4 Ways “Good Girl” Syndrome is Ruining our Lives (& How to Stop).

#6 Rose Pryor $75 Editor's Pick

3 Deep Cuts from 3 Years Sober.

#7 Brant Kingman $75 Editor's Pick

“I don’t have Childhood Wounds”: How to Recognize & Heal our Hidden Traumas.

#8 Sarah Jeanne Browne $50

4 Simple Mantras to Find Meaning in {Almost} every Situation.

#9 Rachael Nixon $50

“It Shouldn’t Be this Hard”: Some Tough Love for anyone Struggling to Walk Away (& Stay Away).

#10 Allan Isbell $50

5 Keys to Resolving Conflict Gracefully in a Conscious Relationship.

#11 Shelley Karpaty $50

3 Ways to Forgive without Spiritual Bypassing.

#12 Mahein Kazi $50 Editor's Pick

Realigning Ourselves with Nature: How to use Ayurveda to Maximize our Health & Well-Being.

#13 James Ezimoha $50

When our Hearts are Broken & we’re Too Tired for Empathy.

#14 Avesha Parker $50

Dear Covert Narcissist, Love is Not a Board Game.

#15 Erin Landsee $50

8 Holistic Ways to Deepen your Yoga Practice.



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