December 17, 2013

25 Things We Need to Stop Doing.

Let’s Play 25 Things “They” Need to Stop Doing.

Okay, by “they” I mean you and you and you and me, too.

Life is largely made up of habits, and the spaces, however teensy, between those habits are our choices. If we want to improve our lives, if we want to be kinder to ourselves and our planet, it’s all about recognizing that we do have choices about following those habits—or not:

All brilliant suggestions via Reddit and all super-obvious ones via yours truly. Share your own in comments!

1. Arguing about things they have absolutely no knowledge about.

2. Jumping to conclusions. Under this category: Commenting on elephant articles based on titles or images without reading, first.

3. Texting the whole time they hang out with a friend. Why make plans if you’re just going to be glued to your phone?


Dear Elephant Reader: We finally found the World’s FIRST compostable phone case. Working towards plastic free oceans!


4. Buying things they don’t need with money they don’t have…to impress people they don’t care about who don’t care about them. 

5. Taping concerts on their cell phones or worse – iPads.

6. Drinking and driving, texting and driving, cell phones in movie theaters, talking on phone while ordering coffee etc. (see #10)

7. Stop blaming everyone else for your mistakes.

8. Not collaborating and listening.

9. Not saying please and thank you. Please. Thank you.

10. Treating retail/service workers badly.

11. People need to stop celebrity or idol worship.

12. Stop glorifying busy. The amount of times I hear/I say “I’m just so busy” is absurd. It’s okay to have things to do but I think we pride ourselves on the overload.

13. My children need to stop talking and just go the fuck to sleep. Now.

14. Stop watching “reality” TV…Stop glamorizing selfish people…

15. People need to stop judging people on first impressions

bike stolen poster16. Stealing children’s bikes. Or anyone’s bikes. Or stealing anything. Unless you’re starving or truly desperate, well…then.

17. Graffiti. Unless you have something valuable to say and/or you’re a talent and your art or statement is making what you’re vandalizing more meaningful or beautiful.

18. Shopping made in China then dumping all your practically new stuff in the alley when you move out (students).

19. Buying and wearing new fur or leather. Go secondhand!

20. Sushi.

21. To-go cups. They’re lined with polystyrene. That’s not good.


Pela, the phone case perfect for Elephant readers. A truly eco-friendly, 100% compostable option for the whole family!


22. Teaching advanced show-off yoga poses in all levels classes without adequate preparation. Teaching yoga without consistent emphasis on alignment or breath.

23. Bullying, and not speaking up in a gentle yet firm manner that assumes nothing when we see bullying.

24. Tossing our cigarette butts on the ground.

25. Calling food grown in plastic on farms and sold in plastic packaging organic. Calling anything “natural,” a meaningless term. BS PR, generally. Hype.


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Image: Vick Bufano/Unsplash