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5 ways to tap into your intuition and take that leap of faith

1 Heart it! Caitlyn Cook 197
July 30, 2018
Caitlyn Cook
1 Heart it! 197

I recently did something crazy: I followed my heart.

I quit my corporate job and moved to a tropical country to be with a man I met over summer. This shift means going into creative and soul-opening business for myself, 100%.

Honestly, this move has been scary AF.

I’ve had my moments of heavy anxiety and wondering, is it actually all going to work out? Am I crazy for doing this?

Monkey mind.

Oh, hey.

I keep remembering that I’m not doing this alone. I’m with LIFE FORCE. Chi. The Divine. Phewwww. (That’s what’s led me here, actually.)

I’m remembering I’m using more than my brain-smarts to pull this one off. I’m using my intuition: my inner compass that goes beyond logic, time, and space.

Operating from this place has so much more ease! It’s a place of effortlessness and spontaneity.

Given my anxious monkey-mind ways, I wanted to turn up the volume on my POWER. My connection to my inner guidance, Life Force.

I refuse to stay small, or be lead by fear. I want freedom, not to live in a cage of my own fearful mind. And there are experts around to help up power up… So, I booked a Skype session with an intuition coach.

The gems I pulled out of the session are daily cornerstones for me as I take the plunge and keep following my heart in love, business, art and travel.

Your powers extend beyond your logic and IQ. Find out how to tap into them and breathe with more ease and trust!

1. So, first up: what is intuition?

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for logical reasoning.

Intuition is about tuning into knowledge deep within us and beyond the mind.

It’s found in an expanded state of awareness, beyond the logic and ‘smarts’ of the mind. The mind knows only past experiences and future projections. With intuition, we access the unknown.

That’s where the magic is. From here, we choose the highest good and set the intention for what we want to tune into. What questions do you have? What do you need guidance for? Set your intentions to receive the answers.

Then, we tune in, trust, and allow the answers to come to us.

In the process of going full time with my passion, this has so helpful. Finding new information, insights and ideas from beyond my mind. It was a relief to receive strong, undeniable confirmation for things I wanted to believe, but never had the confidence. Hearing it from another source (intuition, Spirit) made all the difference.

2. But how do you read intuition?

Intuition speaks through symbols and what’s ‘obvious’.

Be curious about the symbols or omens you come across. What’s obvious about the symbol? What does it tell you? How do you feel when you notice it? What jumps out at you? What does it remind you of? These symbols reveal truth. They’re your answers.

3. Imagination is key. 

We access these symbols through our imagination.

Intuition is like being a kid telling a story from their imagination… A kid enjoying themselves, just going with it. Not judging what comes into awareness, but just rolling with this image, then this one, then this and then that… Trusting what comes, allowing. Trusting there’s truth in it.

So many adults lose touch with their intuition! Kids don’t have the rules and regulations censoring their mind. Kids are naturally creative and imaginative because they LET IT FLOW. Their mind doesn’t judge their stories and mental images as good or bad.

This is actually really fun! I love this process and find the creative, imaginative approach unlocks different parts of my brain and gives me a stronger creative edge.

4. Intuition gives you just enough to take the next step. Take it!

Even if it’s a little hint, take the step. Don’t worry; it’ll give you more directions as you go. Really, you only ever know your next step, ever. And then, you need to trust.

Let the vision unravel.

This, I find tricky. I want to know the 5-year plan. My risk-averse mind requires certainty—it wants the fool-proof cost-benefit calculus. And this is where we breathe. Sink down from our mind and into our body. Remember that it’s safe to trust. And know that the next step will always make itself clear when it’s time to take it.

It requires a leap of faith.

5. But what if you don’t trust your imagination and ‘intuition’?

What if you’re afraid you’re just making it up? And it’s too risky to follow something that could be false!

The answer is always there. You hear me? ALWAYS THERE. Even if you tune into your intuition and get ‘nothing’ in response: what’s obvious about nothing? Is your intuition telling you about the need for space, quiet, stillness? How do you feel about ‘nothing’? Do you feel alone, frustrated or relieved? Those are clues from Spirit!

To trust your intuition, you just need to trust whatever you get and play with it. Try it on for size. Keep listening.

You have the power to access deep and powerful knowledge. Test it out when you’re in a place of mindful awareness—meditating, showering, self-pleasuring… And then take the next step. It’s all you need to know. And then, trust and keep listening.

That’s where I am now.

I don’t know the 5-year plan yet. I’m taking one step at a time in this wonderous and surprising adventure. With intuition, Life Force, Spirit by my side, I’m TAKING the step, rather than just thinking about it. I feel a sense of, ‘it’s not just me doing this’.

After taking these giant and crazy leaps of faith, I look around from my desk on my new porch thinking, wow… This is what following that little voice begets.

Of course, my monkey mind is still here. I still get scared and tight and uncomfortable, but I tune in, listen for clues from my intuition, and do my best to use more than my mind to create. I release and receive daily.

And I’m feeling very grateful and curious about where this mysterious adventure leads. This is the beginning!

And for you? What’s your next step?

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1 Heart it! Caitlyn Cook 197
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