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6 Tips for a Mindful Home

1 Heart it! Rana Tarakji 51
November 5, 2018
Rana Tarakji
1 Heart it! 51

We are all guilty of being too busy and letting time pass us by.

I know I am.

At one point or another we have become enslaved and perhaps addicted to the idea of being busy that we no longer have time to slow down and be mindful of the present. Our days have become filled with so many activities and concerns that we have forgotten how it feels to simply take things in and process them all with no judgment.

So much so that our homes have become mere empty shells where we retreat only after the day has taken a huge toll on our bodies. Those beautiful map prints of places we plan on visiting, when we get the time to do so, just hang idly by the wall, waiting for us to glance at them.

But there is still hope.

We can turn things around by introducing mindfulness inside our homes with the help of these tips:

Catch the sunrise with a tidy bed. The hustle and bustle of our everyday lives often leave us with no room to wake up early or even tidy up and make our beds. Our schedules are so jam-packed that we wake up with barely enough time to prepare, then go on with our days zooming on autopilot. By waking up early to catch the first rays of the sun, we can unhurriedly condition our minds and bodies for the day ahead. Making up the bed first thing in the morning, on the other hand, is a life-changing routine that our future selves will thank us for. Not only are we accomplishing the very first task of the day, but we are also establishing a rewarding and positive habit that can further boost our happiness.
Clear up the chores list. A pile of dishes on the kitchen sink or an overflowing laundry hamper can all dampen a home’s mindfulness setting. Instead of letting everything pile up, take time to tackle them one by one. By eliminating these blocks of chores, we free up our system from the burdened feeling that can stonewall our path to being more aware of our surroundings. The less clutter we encounter within our abode, the more we can enjoy and savor every bit of our stay inside it.
Be still and be present. Stillness is a powerful tool that can help us reconnect with ourselves. Whether we do it in a sitting position or while we lie down, taking time to stay still helps us become more attuned to our body’s processes. Hearing our hearts beat in silence, feeling every gasp of breath, and feeling our pulse moving, may be enough to make us feel grateful. In turn, this temporary stillness commands our minds to be more present and appreciative of each day in our lives.
Create a gratitude corner. Whether it is a desk where a gratitude journal sits and awaits a daily entry or a table that enshrines a gratitude jar, we can make our homes more inviting to a mindful way of life by reminding ourselves of things that we are grateful for. It does not have to be a perfect work of art, the value is in the mind’s process of gathering information and emotions that are wired to wonderful memories that we keep.
Mind the mealtime. Cooking and eating are two interconnected ways by which we can redirect mindfulness in our homes. Our bodies and minds will benefit greatly if we took more time to prepare each meal we serve on the table. Being fully aware of the cooking process and letting our minds linger on each step helps us bring our attention into the minute details of life. The way we consume our food can also be turned into a more mindful process. Things like waiting for hunger to strike before we actually eat, or choosing wisely which food we take in, are all forms of how we can start eating mindfully.
Disconnect and rest. Technology and the internet have taken our world by storm. These days, almost everyone we see has a handheld smartphone keeping them busy and preoccupied. With so much going on both online and offline, our lives can be easily over-connected and end up tangled in messy wires and interactions. Our homes are no stranger to the perils of connectivity, as wireless fidelity invades each house’s privacy. What we do not realize is that too much of these blue-light-lit screens and nonstop online buzzing strains not only our eyes but also our minds and bodies. While we cannot eliminate these things due to necessity, we can take precaution by limiting the time we spend on these precarious devices. Setting a threshold and abiding by it helps us regain our focus so we can calmly wind down as we prepare for bed.

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1 Heart it! Rana Tarakji 51
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