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Abundance is Our Natural State of Being.

6 Heart it! Jen Mons 750
February 16, 2018
Jen Mons
6 Heart it! 750

We Can Choose to Live in the Flow of Abundance.

I have been stepping into the idea of receiving this year, and it is showing up as the willingness to live in the abundant flow of life. For many of us, abundance shows up as financial or material things in the world. Although financial means are a part of living an abundant life by means of providing, true abundance is a state of mind.  We know that when we love everything we have, we have everything we need. The financial abundance that many people perceive appears that with money, we can buy everything we need.  My kids learned during our homeschool travel in Nicaragua that a person can have nothing material and still be happy. So deep down inside, we all know that money is not the issue, but it’s how we feel about it that creates a problem if it shows up as lack or greed.  The two primary emotions that money creates are lack or abundance and they are usually connected with our state of mind. Living in lack usually leads to greed, because there is never enough. Lack is created in the mind and usually stems from fear. Living in abundance is realizing that you have everything you need, because you already are everything you need to be. The beautiful thing is that we get to choose our state of mind.

One of the themes that moves through me lately during meditation is the idea of abundance and receiving all that life wants to offer me.  What I notice is that life is very abundant. The universe is abundant. When we look around, we can notice that everything in our world wants to thrive and live.  This means that abundance is our natural state of being.  This is a great opportunity to notice our own beliefs about abundance.  I decided to take a look within myself about all the ideas and beliefs that I had about living in abundance and uncovered some interesting beliefs.  I learned that our ability to receive is often connected to our self worth.

I came to a profound realization after spending a year dealing with the aftermath of  Hurricane Matthew, and the many challenges and limited resources that came with my experience.  I was never attached to anything material because I thought I had everything I needed, but I was emotionally attached to the quality of my life.  When my life was disrupted for a year, it was very challenging for me. So abundance for me is about the quality of my life, but I had to learn to release the emotional attachment.  Learning to acknowledge emotional attachments and to release them is very powerful and transformative. We get to choose how we perceive our experiences.  Will we become a victim? Or will our challenges empower us?   If we believe thats abundance is a natural state of being, we know that all of our experiences are here to serve a higher good in our life.

Here are 4 steps that helped me step into an abundant state of mind.

Know our self worth
Be open to receive
Create intentions from inspired action by living in the present moment
Release attachments to outcomes

When we live from a place where we believe that we already are everything we need to be, and have everything to live the life we want, we realize we are living in abundance. Our self worth and ability to receive effect our ability to live abundantly. The more open you are to receiving, the more abundant your life will be.

Let’s take a moment and consider, what areas of our life we would like to have more abundance in? Is it health, happiness, finances, or relationships? Once we know want we want, and uncover any limiting beliefs and attachments, we can take a step into living in the abundant flow of life.

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6 Heart it! Jen Mons 750
6 Heart it! 750

ncmons Feb 16, 2018 2:41pm

Awesome article! Very uplifting and insightful. I look forward to reading more!!

anonymous Jan 30, 2021 5:29am

I so much enjoyed reading through this – Insightful.

    anonymous Feb 19, 2022 9:27am

    Amara, Thank you so much, what part resonated with you?

anonymous Feb 19, 2022 6:12am

EXACTLY!!! Jen and her teachings has helped us in our business as well as our personal lives. So many people don’t think to create and live in alignment in their work life, but soon see that only living in alignment in your personal life will still lead to distress and lack of abundance if you are going to work every day unfulfilled. One of our core values is we rise by lifting others, and focusing on this and this only has caused our business to flourish in a way it never has before. And we have happy and AMAZED customers who have positively impacted by US living and working in alignment with what matters to us. This is an amazing read. Thank you for sharing the wisdom that flows to and through you Jen!!!

    anonymous Feb 19, 2022 9:26am

    Thank you so much Sherry. I love your kind words. You are in the energy of this already.

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