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Balancing Our Inner World

0 Heart it! Puja Madan 41
January 24, 2018
Puja Madan
0 Heart it! 41

We live in a world where wisdom is being replaced by knowledge and knowledge is being replaced by data. We’ve become so left-brain focused that we believe it’s the only way to look at the world.

Meditation allows both sides of the brain flow: it combines the narrow with the expansive, the focused with the open, the logical with the intuitive. It gives our brain the capability to take a series of disparate thoughts and put them into an integrated whole.

That’s where great decisions and sustainable solutions – for ourselves and for our world – come from. And as we balance our inner world, we develop the capability to balance it on the outside.

How can you balance your inner world today? Perhaps you can spend some time in nature, practice walking meditation or simply sit and become aware of your breath….

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0 Heart it! Puja Madan 41
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