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Dear Anne Lamott, will you have lunch with me?

1 Heart it! Carin Reeve 257
June 20, 2018
Carin Reeve
1 Heart it! 257

I am drawn to people who are real, inspirational, intelligent, and who challenge me to think at the same time. These are the people I want to be friends with and who I want to spend time with. Right now, I want to have lunch with Anne Lamott.

I have read her work before, but right now I am reading Bird by Bird and there is literally something on every page that makes me say, “I want her to be my best friend.” Lamott has a way of getting right to the core of you, like she can hear the voice that is talking inside your head, and she says something witty or funny that makes you feel like you are not so crazy for having a voice there in the first place.

Lamott talks about writing seven pages just to get to the one line that you need to move your work forward. I thought of that this morning as I was editing a piece I am writing for submission to

Don’t know Anne Lamott? Check out this TedTalk here.

So, Anne, what do you think? Want to have lunch?

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1 Heart it! Carin Reeve 257
1 Heart it! 257

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