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Eco-Friendly Gardening: Tips to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden.

0 Heart it! Mattea Jacobs 74
September 18, 2018
Mattea Jacobs
0 Heart it! 74

If you are planning to create a garden on your property, the chances are great that you are a true nature lover. Is there a better way to show your appreciation towards nature than to keep your garden eco-friendly? Gardening by itself is already an eco-friendly process, which holds many benefits to the environment. To make sure you do not go astray, here are a few gardening tips to create an eco-friendly garden.

1. Plan Your Garden Landscape

Gardening does not involve new construction (unless you include a greenhouse or a shed). It is instead the process of working with nature to create a type of well-functioning, small-scale ecosystem on your property. If you do not have much nature to work with, then you will need to bring in outside resources which might include, soil, grass, plants, trees or a water source.


When planning your garden landscaping, it is best to consider using locally sourced vegetation to keep it more eco-friendly. When choosing a professional landscaper, make sure to pick one who has the environment in their best interest.


Try to use eco-friendly furniture and do not be afraid of the weathered-look. The best eco-friendly garden is the one that can, and that is designed in such a way that water and energy efficiency are a top priority.

2. Start a Food Garden

Trees, plants, flowers, and grass are not only an eco-friendly addition to your home, but they make your home more attractive and more enjoyable as well. So, while you are at it, why not make your garden more productive by setting aside an area for a food garden.


If more people start producing their food at home, less commercial production for vegetables and fruits will be needed, meaning fewer greenhouse gasses.


Growing fruits and vegetables will save you some money, and you avoid the consumption of harmful pesticides.


Food coming from your garden is not only healthier, but it has a better taste too! Trust me, I’ve never gotten so many praises for the food I prepare than when I started growing and using my own. And when your kids start eating the veggies without rolling their eyes, you know you did something good.

3. Keep It Organic

If you are serious about starting an eco-friendly garden, then your gardening methods should be eco-friendly as well. Avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers which can be harmful to animal species or yourself.


When planting seeds, use non-GMO seeds, organic compost and mulch instead. Many gardening techniques can help you increase your garden’s productivity without the use of chemicals. The companion planting technique, for example, is when you plant specific plant species together, some can help each other thrive, and others will keep pests away.

4. Energy-Efficient Technology

If you want to make your garden usable at night, then the best way to do so is to make use of lights. Making use of energy efficient light bulbs are the way to go to keep it eco-friendly. Furthermore, you can take it a step further by making use of solar power. Solar garden lamps can be used along the pathways or by a patio.


One of the most significant investments to make are solar panels. Through solar panels, you can use the sun to generate power to your garden for your sprinkler system or garden lighting.


If you do not have the budget to install solar panels in your home, then keep in mind that there are many small solar systems on the market today. Solar gadgets can be used in all areas of gardening, from solar fountain water pumps, solar lights, solar lawn mower, and even solar watering sprinklers. With so many innovative gadgets, there is no excuse for not keeping your garden eco-friendly!

5. Create a Water Catchment System

While tap water might not cause your plants to fail, it will not help your plants to thrive better either. It is best to let tap water sit for a day in an open container to allow the chlorine vent as a gas before watering your plants with it. If this seems like a too big task, then you always have the option to install a water harvesting system.


A water catchment system can be made accessible by merely placing a water barrel on your property. You can opt for a more advanced system with filters which can be connected to your hose or sprinkler system. Whichever you choose, watering your plants with rainwater is much more beneficial to your garden and your wallet.

6. Compost Bin

Food waste is of significant concern for our planet, not only because there are millions of starving people in the world but also because the food that ends up in landfills causes harmful greenhouse gasses.


If you have a garden, then you can eliminate your food going to waste by installing a compost bin or compost pit. Your plants will benefit from your organic mixture, and you do not have to introduce store bought fertilizers.


Once I got the hang of it, making my own compost has become a fairly easy and a routine part of my gardening process. Practically everything you need you usually have at hand. I use leftover grass clippings, vegetable waste, i.e., all the parts of the vegetables I would usually throw away while cooking, fruit peel, and weeds before they’ve developed seeds. My kids already know to throw their fruit peel in the compost bin, and they even call it “the peel bin.”


I try to include the family in all my eco-friendly practices and make it as interesting and fun as I can for the kids so that they can adopt these practices from a young age and learn about the importance of preserving our environment.     

Final Tip

Now that the gardening season is wrapping up, you need to make sure your garden is ready for the cold, as well for the next gardening season. The most important thing to do is to prepare the soil. I use my compost for this, and I’ve always had great results. Simply spread it across the garden, in a one or two-inch layer and it will decompose during winter, giving you soil nice nutrients throughout, preparing it for another successful gardening season.    


A garden gives your home some curb appeal, provides you with a relaxing space in nature and the process can become very relaxing and fun for some. If you are starting a garden on your own, then it is best to start off small to ensure you are keeping it eco-friendly. Additional features like water fountains or ponds can be added once you are familiar with keeping things energy efficient.


About Mattea Jacobs


Mattea Jacobs is a freelance writer who mostly writes about both interior and exterior home design, and environmentally-friendly ways to improve homes. She is also a green activist and a mother of two beautiful sons. You can reach her on Facebook and Instagram.

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