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Energy Can Not Be Created Nor Destroyed, Only Transformed.

1 Heart it! PD Alleva 432
March 25, 2018
PD Alleva
1 Heart it! 432

It is the power of positive thinking that manifests all of our emotions and thoughts into reality and the foundation of any transformation we wish to accomplish. Over the course of our lives we build on our focus like laying bricks to form a wall. Layer after layer, these bricks become reflective of our thought processes, or, whatever it is that most occupies our thoughts, concerns, fears, anxieties, love, peace, and so on. Until one day we have built a wall that confines our thoughts and recognizes who we believe we are; our identity. However, let’s say, one day a person wakes up to the truth that they’ve locked themselves into a prison of emotion and negative thoughts and have no way of seeing themselves in a different light, as someone different than the life they have created for themselves. Breaking down that wall may seem like an impossible task. This thought process is rubbish to say the least and has its foundation in the disempowerment of societal norms, for which this blog is too short for me to get into, other than mentioning that society as a whole has been set up to make us all believe that we are less powerful than we truly are. What if you could see your wall in a different light, as a foundation and building block for becoming something greater, something you know in your heart of hearts you truly are? The truth of your soul lies in your heart and this knowing of truth is your springboard to transforming yourself. Although the process may seem insurmountable and at odds with everything you have ever believed, the power of positive thinking is your key to success.

Every day, we see injustices in society and within ourselves, our eyes roll over everything we wish to have and that we desire to be and incorporate into our lives. Most of the time we strive and work our hardened asses off to get what we want, but what happens the day you wake up and tell yourself the truth; that you are unsatisfied with your decisions and are fed up with the life you have constructed? This is the time to begin to look internally not externally. When we begin to think inside an alternate reality, we will manifest that reality with the unique power and strength of our emotions. Too many of us lead our lives out of necessity, never truly looking into our hearts to find the peace of mind where we are able to break free from the bondage of our minds. We must come to the clear conclusion that the brick wall we’ve constructed was constructed by us, not everyone else on the planet. We put ourselves into this wall; we built it, brick by brick, layer by layer. But the flip side of this belief system is that we also have the power to see the wall in a different light. To see past the wall, to stand on top of it and breathe in the healing powers of the sun, air, earth and water takes the power of positive thinking. As we get older and this wall seems set in stone, unable to break free from its concrete chains, we incorporate the belief that it is too late to change, the ‘can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ mindset that consistently ceases the progress of change. If you truly believe that an old dog cannot learn new tricks, then you’re already locked inside your wall and will never learn a new trick. But if you believe that you are all powerful, no matter what age you are right now; old, young, middle aged, a toddler, approaching a century of living, than you will see this wall as a stepping stone to something greater. The greater you that has always existed you will realize that this wall you have built is nothing more than a springboard to your new life, your new you.

It’s the power of positive thinking that allows us to see through the wall, to understand that the wall is merely a foundation for us to build bigger, larger and stronger! It’s the mindset that allows us to know that the wall doesn’t even truly exist unless we want it to; there are no barriers, no fears, other than those we impose on ourselves. This power exists inside every human being that has ever walked the earth. The foundation of every success story that has ever been told or heard of all begin with a thought of change, the desire to change and the burning passion to leap ahead in the evolutionary process and become something greater and more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Tell yourself, over and over again, no matter how daunting the task, no matter how many people tell you that you can’t do it, to keep your goal, keep your transformation, set in your mind’s eye, and shrug and give everyone a smile, and say, “Yes, I can do this! Yes, the universe or God is with me, and yes, I have laid the foundation to this change and it is the starting point for my transformation. Yes, I already have made the change, I already have it, for it is within me and I AM…!”

Nothing in this world can stop you, in fact, once you’ve committed to become your transformation, everything in the universe will lend itself to help your success. You must only have the belief that you can change, and you will have it.

~ AuthorPDAlleva


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1 Heart it! PD Alleva 432
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