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Importance of Career Research: Choose Your Steps wisely

1 Heart it! Mukesh Maheshwari 368
August 23, 2018
Mukesh Maheshwari
1 Heart it! 368

Every single one of us really wants to achieve something. Every single one of us have dreams, passion but which is absolutely dormant. We attend colleges, schools but ultimately what we need to do is, still some that I want to achieve a little more, this is not my true profession, I am built through something more.
Why should you do Career Research?
I’ve seen so many people with so many dreams, so much of enthusiasm but they are not able to achieve what they really want. What is stopping them from?

So the reason is students are not engaged at their engage. There is very big disengagement quotient that exists with our engineering college graduates to the schools to the primary school level to. Why? The reason is they don’t love what they’re doing and this is a big kind of bigger problem.

I really found that students are not able to make their career decisions properly. They don’t give time to career research. Why, is it something wrong with the students or is it something wrong with any other thing?

Seriously this career decision which will put us to lead in our life is not taken a great care it deserves. Part of the problem will be with the students, part of it will be with the parents, part of it will be with the society, part of it will be with the friends but overall this is a big challenge which needs strong action.

Today’s students have a countless career options that was not available for previous generations. On the one side, it is very exciting to have so many possibilities. But on the other side it can be overwhelming & stressful.

Due to the expansion of technology and knowledge, new careers are being created every day. Yet despite the variety available, all of us have a very limited view of careers that are there. We see the careers that our friends and associates do, but we know little about those who are beyond our immediate experience.

People who consider career change should be aware of all the open options for them. Not every job title of course (it would be impossible) but it is important to have a good observation of what is possible.
Ways of Career Research:
There are many ways to do career research. You can start with a good general summary of the most popular paths. Once you are aware of the general areas that you are interested in, you can access the corporate research database on the Internet to drill in your chosen area. Better still you can meet people who work in those areas in which you are interested and talk to them or you can take proper career guidance. Following are the ways of career research:
Career Aptitude Test:
You can also take a career aptitude test to identify the ideal career path for you. This test can help you to determine the best career based on your skills, interests and personality.
If you are researching for a career, take a look at the requirements, job duties and work environment to ensure that it is suited to your personality, compatibility and skills. For example if we talk about an Introvert, he would not be comfortable in a marketing environment, and if we talk about a person who faints at the blood sight would probably not be suitable for work in the hospital.
Evaluate the Salary:
By researching the average pay for your chosen career, you will get a real idea of ​​the salary range, which you can earn. By knowing the average starting pay as well as the salary range which you can expect to earn over the time can help you determine whether this career path is adequately paid to meet your lifestyle requirements. Does it or not? Although it is not the only factor to use salary during the decision-making, it is definitely an important key to the puzzle.
Other Things:
The complete research of your future career opportunities provides valuable insight into other factors surrounding business that may impact you for a long time. Factors like working hours, job outlook, location and future advancement chances can affect your decision to pursue this business or to find someone else who best meets your business needs.

Thus, the more research you do, the more you will uncover new ideas and new career paths. You still need to work on which career you are suitable for. But without good research, your choices will always be limited and your career change may not be as good as it may be.

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1 Heart it! Mukesh Maheshwari 368
1 Heart it! 368

Reply to Akshay Patni cancel

Mukesh Maheshwari Aug 25, 2018 8:33am

Great Thoughts.

Mukesh Maheshwari Aug 25, 2018 8:38am

I can connect with it very easily

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