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Manipulation of the Masses

0 Heart it! Tim Custis 118
July 1, 2018
Tim Custis
0 Heart it! 118

When what we hear is aligned with our conditioning, the truth is obscured from our knowing.

Manipulation of the masses is carried out by telling lies that align with our conditioning and because of this conditioning, we see the lies as truth. Anyone skillful at manipulation knows this and will use our conditioning to get what they want, and with very little resistance from us.

What the manipulator seeks is often disguised to be in our best interest, but in truth, this is the way they gain power, money or control over us and how we become their victims.

The manipulator will exert control over anyone who might interfere with their plans. Using out-and-out lies to discredit anyone who challenges them or who speaks the truth. Even using their lies to get their followers to do the dirty work for them.

Manipulation of the masses is accomplished in subtle, bold or covert ways and with brute force. In the end, the result is the same, one person or a group of people controlling the many for personal benefit.

image: Josef Váchal’s Cry of the Masses (source:

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0 Heart it! Tim Custis 118
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