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Star Friends.

1 Heart it! Caterina Bacal Titus 72
June 9, 2018
Caterina Bacal Titus
1 Heart it! 72

flawless, consider it, the sea nonsensical
flowchart of logical law-filled reason ~
the endless nights, the wordless plights
the raw relevance of treason;
star-friends, supreme drenched tangerine sunlight
rebellious, ruthless, reckless seasons ~
better hope the writer changes names, scenarios, reasons
the queen sorceress, underbelly egg universe
the stratospherical, blue believing
the salty spineless angel
the triggers ebb n’ flow, amply appeasing.
dive deep into the well of fears
emerge renewed with primal soul food supply;
the camouflage banquet army, delicious, well seasoned.
no one is your mindless master,
you are the seen and the mirage of seeing ~
in a hazardous shepardless field of wolves,
you are the eaten and the delusional eating;
consuming gems, ruby riding hood,
her blood-lighted cloak, tin man’s dangerous dagger
armor code, repeatedly recognizing and releasing.
what’s the use of dressing up when
prima donna, ballerina pink’s pretending;
honor the romantic road you’re on
especially while treacherous traveling,
see the station you’re about to gallantly jump
as here, now, never emasculate ending ~
i’m the loyal elephant, tiny tender mouse
i’m the tigress in your eye – requisite, reminding
i’m the cloak and dagger of sumptuous fruit
before the tangy pina colada drunken dawn dies;
sending the meek, the mild, the precariously precious
the abundant, glazed, persistent abalone stardust flies,
the white silk stardust robes, the guardian
within the twilight of your sacred steamy skies.
do you really need the stars to gallantly guide
on a dark, seemingly sequined, stormy neverland night?
or a spaceship to remind of the highest heaven nigh …
you say he’s your methodical master ~
the seed beyond highlighting horizon soul
looking to others for answers
for something written, encrypted beyond bionic code
be the sheep without a staff-less shepard
be a tigress fierce, amethyst blazed mane
the starlight purple polestar of a road less traveled;
cacophony, serendipitous calm calligraphy
within invisible desert nomadic name.

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1 Heart it! Caterina Bacal Titus 72
1 Heart it! 72

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