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Stay the Course.

4 Heart it! Megan Swan 84
August 16, 2018
Megan Swan
4 Heart it! 84

Today, August 16, 2018, will mark the day when subterfuge was squelched and replaced with solidarity amongst typically separate entities within the Fourth Estate. Nothing cultivates unification more than when groups of people are getting attacked by the same aggressor, because in numbers theyincrease momentum.

Tactics of intimidation, gaslighting and falsehoods, and even enacting a violent attack on a CNN journalist by the President of the United States, only prove to show his incomprehension with the purpose of the fourth estate, the free press. His attack on the “Morning with Joe” hosts likely backfired since CNN and MSNBC concurred on their outrage over the President’s hostile and misogynistic rants. Many presidents before him have also been criticized by the press, and yet had the knowledge and understanding to uphold the country’s first amendment and respect the role of the media in our democratic society.  The press is the watchdog, the playground recess teacher, standing watch and ensuring that the people are informed of the executive power’s abuses, intimidations, and mistreatment of the public. The totality of the president’s defensive and aggressive attacks against the press as they due their rightful job proves only a man without the integrity or ego strength to either pause in reflection or focus on the real and actual presidential duties and responsibilities, for which he may feel ill-prepared to confront; the psychological term is called projection.

The hardest part about confronting and setting boundaries is not with the first affront, it is now. The continuous upholding of what is right and just despite the relentless attacks and manipulative tactics used by the president. Stay the course, US press. We support you.

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4 Heart it! Megan Swan 84
4 Heart it! 84

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