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The Key to Freedom

0 Heart it! Tim Custis 34
May 14, 2018
Tim Custis
0 Heart it! 34


Why, because the False-Self, which is the person you have become through conditioning will use your thoughts to keep you stuck in life. It often lies when telling you who you are. It will talk down to you making you feel less than or embellish the truth to make you think you are better than the next person.

It uses your thoughts to control you and keep you subservient. However, with awareness, you can expose this liar to the light of truth; once again connecting with who you really are, the True-Self.

When the False-Self is observed or brought into the light, it loses its covert and deceptive grasp on your life, and then you will experience the genuine freedom that is possible by releasing the authentic you back into the world.

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0 Heart it! Tim Custis 34
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