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What’s This Whole “Human” Thing About, Anyways?

0 Heart it! Cat Simmons 57
January 20, 2018
Cat Simmons
0 Heart it! 57

I had to laugh. Eight or nine years of relative isolation due to aggressive chronic illness makes understanding how to be an actual human being back in the real world—kind of tricky.

Like, today. I had to Google “how to fill out a cheque.” Because, despite being almost 30, I’d never done it before. I also mailed my first envelope through snail mail since I was about 9 years old. I didn’t know that there were things called “mail boxes” that you could pop letters into, and a nice postman would come pick them up, quick as a whistle, and mail them FOR you. I didn’t even need to go to the post office. What a concept! 😮😮😮

Dealing with actual humans was weird at first, too. I remember arriving in Boulder almost a year ago and going to see Waylon Lewis read from his book at Innisfree Poetry. I almost had an anxiety attack because of all the people in the room. 😂 It was weird. Confident Cat who had been on stage since she was three and had no social qualms. But, I guess I had to start from scratch that night. Learning: how to be human again. It’s been a hell of a ride! And still is.

Post boxes. Ha! What fun!


It can be kind of tricky, this whole “human” thing…can’t it?

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0 Heart it! Cat Simmons 57
0 Heart it! 57

Elephant Journal Jan 20, 2018 5:52pm

Yay, thank you for sharing Cat <3 ~ Way

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