Healing our Shame & Trauma isn’t a Mental Pursuit—it’s a Physical One.
Janis Isaman, founder of My Body Couture, specializes in helping people rid themselves of physical and emotional pain. She’s highly certified in both fitness and nutrition modalities, as well as a Gabor Mate Compassionate Inquiry practitioner-in-training. She writes about pathways to uncover, notice, and name our experiences in order to be softer in our bodies and more empowered in our lives. Find her latest on Linktree, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or her website. And follow her on Clubhouse @janis.
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Contribution Rank: #15
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Healing our Shame & Trauma isn’t a Mental Pursuit—it’s a Physical One.
Facts vs Feelings: What I learned from a year of studying with Dr. Gabor Maté.
Meditation & Yoga once left me Frustrated & Ashamed—now they’re Hel…
How to Tell the Difference between “I’m Angry” & “I̵…
How Childhood Stress leads us to Strive for Perfection over Authenticity.
A Simple (but Difficult) Daily Practice to Connect our Physical Bodies to our Emotion…
How our Childhood Wounds write the stories behind our Adult Triggers.
Performative Vulnerability is Damaging our Relationships—Quit It & Get Real.
When we can’t figure out what the f*ck is wrong with Us.
F*ck all that Fake Sh*t: 3 Steps to Authentic Relationships.
Licking our Emotional Wounds to Self-Soothe is F*cking Up our Relationships.
How Childhood Emotional Pain becomes Adult Physical Pain.
F*ck being “Claimed”—Why this kind of Language is both Disrespectful &#…
Developmental Trauma: How we can Repattern our Wounded Nervous System.
The Root of Attachment Trauma & Why we Suffocate our Relationships (or Push them…
Why do I Act like a 4-Year-Old in my Adult Relationships? (aka Nervous System Pattern…
I said F*ck it to Child Support.
When we’re Struggling, the Last Thing we Need is Advice.
Deep in the Trenches of Self-Sabotage? 6 Ways to Dig ourselves Out.
If we could Ask the Extra weight on our Bodies what it Wants, what Would it Say?
How to Stop using our Brain to Escape our Body.
Ghosting & Rejection: 10 Ways to Recover from Dating Trauma.
We Don’t Need to “Say it with Love” when we can Say it with Power.
Why we Need to Stop Making our First Dates a “Red Flag Scavenger Hunt.”
The 5 Hallmarks of Unresolved Trauma.
When it comes to Non-Attachment, we Can’t “Fake It ’til we Make It.…
Dear Men, “Hey Sexy” Makes us want to Delete the match (& 7 things we want I…
The Toxic Dating Advice that’s Keeping us from Healthy, Grown-Up Love.
Facing Unhealed Traumas & the Myth of a “Happy Childhood.”
Is it a Gut Feeling or a Trauma Response? How to tell the Difference.
The Soul supersedes the Speaker: Why we’re all the Same in the Ways that Matter…
From a Woman’s Perspective: What the Heartbeat Bill doesn’t Address.
“How could he do this to me?!” The Real Cure for Rejection.
The Toxic & Crippling Coping Mechanism that arises from Childhood Trauma.
Non-Judgment is Gaslighting in Disguise: 6 Tools to Help us Trust our Gut.
Hey, Boys: Sex is Not a Toy.
Why “Balance” & “Effortless Beauty” are Bullsh*t.
The Secret Weapon for Pulling the Sharp Knife of Betrayal from our Backs.
The Dating Advice that’s Keeping us from Finding Healthy Relationships.
Compliment Deprivation Disorder: What it is & How it’s Affecting our Relations…
I had “Nice Girl Syndrome”—Here’s How I Found the F*ck it Bucket.
I had to “Work” to Generate the Love I Needed.
When we Find ourselves Alone with a Nameless Grief.
The Transition Generation: How we’re Releasing our Emotional Shame & Heal…
How our Childhood Wounds are Holding us Back as Adults.
When Rejection Trauma Triggers our Childhood Wounds.
Even “Warriors” need someone to Show Up for Them.
F*ck the Patriarchy: Embracing Female Rage.
Ladies, the “Perfect Mother” is a F*cking Myth.
When Love Sucks: How Attachment Trauma Bites us in Relationships.
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